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Text Písně: Fall of Lucifer - Elizium

Text Písně - Fall of Lucifer - Elizium Text Písně - Fall of Lucifer - Elizium
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Once a deity in the lands beyond the living
A conflict forced him to fall down to earth
A clash of titans, a court of angels
Feathers turned to leather as Morningstar rose

A star so bright in eastern skies
People watched the sky and noticed his coming
It was foretold that a demon would rise
He stood up, looked around and cried

You should burn brighter than the sun
A source of light, the righteous one
Merciful angel did no wrong
Instead you rule in hell for times to come

The wrong belief within this place
Fallen angel that fell from grace
Your bastard brother took the throne
The blackened one, he rules alone

Once a deity in the lands beyond the living
A conflict forced him to fall down to earth
A clash of titans, a court of angels
Feathers turned to leather as Morningstar rose

A star so bright in eastern skies
People watched the sky and noticed his coming
It was foretold that a demon would rise
He stood up, looked around and cried

You should burn brighter than the sun
A source of light, the righteous one
Merciful angel did no wrong
Instead you rule in hell for times to come

The wrong belief within this place
Fallen angel that fell from grace
Your bastard brother took the throne
The blackened one, he rules alone

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Elizium - Moonlit Haze
Elizium - Angel of Mistrust
Elizium - Frailty
Elizium - Land of Scars
Elizium - Rape of Creed

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