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Text Písně: Frailty - Elizium

Text Písně - Frailty - Elizium Text Písně - Frailty - Elizium
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Videoklip k Písni - Frailty - Elizium Videoklip k Písni - Frailty - Elizium
Karaoke k Písni - Frailty - Elizium Karaoke k Písni - Frailty - Elizium

once a child but now of age
mother never told it to my face
you'll never get what you're hoping for
your dreams will fade and be no more

but she always told me not to cry
followed by a tear in her own eye
and suddenly she moved away
left me all alone here to stay

I, the wanderer in dreams
life aint always what it seems
though with age every dream will fade away
I, the man of fantasy
can't become what I wish to be
oh with age every color turns to grey

I had to face this life alone
in this world as cold as stone
but i will not give up hope
you will not see me hanging from a rope

I'm surviving in my head
fantasy is alive , reality is dead
for me there is no doom
so leave me lying in this room

I, the wanderer in dreams
life aint always what it seems
though with age every dream will fade away
I, the man of fantasy
can't become what I wish to be
oh with age every color turns to grey

Další písničky hudební skupiny Elizium:

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Elizium - Rape of Creed
Elizium - Reflecting Eyes
Elizium - Murder of Crows
Elizium - Ode to Death

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Elizium:

Elizium - Moonlit Haze
Elizium - Angel of Mistrust

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