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Text Písně: Moonlit Haze - Elizium

Text Písně - Moonlit Haze - Elizium Text Písně - Moonlit Haze - Elizium
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Finally darkness wins from the light
Rising up from my cold bed of stone
And wonder of into the silent night
Thousands of years I’ve been alone

Never once in this timeless ocean
Have I felt a single sense of bliss
Empty inside devoid of emotion
My only gift a bloody kiss

Crossing forests through endless rain
seeing a wolf that howls at the moon
He looks at me and feels my pain
And sings for me a song of doom

Suddenly there is a sense of hope
As I lay my eyes on this beautiful site
Seeing you dancing under the stars
Like a nymph you are, you shine so bright

Cursing the gods below and above
Creating me but not the one I love
Must I go on until the end of days
Walking alone in this moonlit haze

Feeling the love deep inside me burn
From all harm I wish to keep you safe
For you are the one for which I yearn
But I find out it’s the blood I crave

Laying your body slowly to the ground
I curse my life the dark endlessness
Again blood and death are all I found
Feeling only love a deadly caress

So I walk this world alone
No hope for redemption at all
And as my heart becomes as stone
I know this is it, an endless fall

Cursing the gods below and above
Allowing me to find the one I love
Must I go on until the end of days
Walking alone in this moonlit haze

Další písničky hudební skupiny Elizium:

Elizium - Angel of Mistrust
Elizium - Frailty
Elizium - Land of Scars
Elizium - Rape of Creed
Elizium - Reflecting Eyes

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Elizium:

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