Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

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Text Písně: Pandora - Elizium

Text Písně - Pandora - Elizium Text Písně - Pandora - Elizium
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Karaoke k Písni - Pandora - Elizium Karaoke k Písni - Pandora - Elizium

your dark hair,your pale translucent skin
your lust for life,your eternal grace
my companion,one of my own kin
forever haunted by your beautiful face

my pandora
a love lost in time,i'm lost without your grace
my pandora
searching for you,my silent call goes out to thee
my pandora
everywhere i look,in every painting i see your face
my pandora
when i'll find you,we'll be together for all eternity

i hear your call upon my soul
imprisoned by your own emptiness
once so bright,now black as coal
what can i do,to feel your cold caress

my love, not enough, my efforts are in vein
nothing i can do, to let life return to thee
my heart shatters, as i leave you once again
haunted by you, your face that i still see

my pandora
a love lost in time,i'm lost without your grace
my pandora
searching for you,my silent call goes out to thee
my pandora
everywhere i look,in every painting i see your face
my pandora
when i'll find you,we'll be together for all eternity

Další písničky hudební skupiny Elizium:

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Elizium:

Elizium - Moonlit Haze
Elizium - Angel of Mistrust
Elizium - Frailty
Elizium - Land of Scars
Elizium - Rape of Creed

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