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Hudební skupiny > D > Dry Cell > Forever beautiful

Text Písně: Forever beautiful - Dry Cell

Text Písně - Forever beautiful - Dry Cell Text Písně - Forever beautiful - Dry Cell
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Videoklip k Písni - Forever beautiful - Dry Cell Videoklip k Písni - Forever beautiful - Dry Cell
Karaoke k Písni - Forever beautiful - Dry Cell Karaoke k Písni - Forever beautiful - Dry Cell

I just want you to know
That I want you to be safe
Was it fate?
No, I can't remember
So much pain in the world
I hate feeling this way
They took you away

I wish that I could be strong
I wish that I could be brave
I wish that I could be over and over
True to the world
Another summer fades away

Forever beautiful
Don't ever think that I could not appreciate
We all come full circle
Whatever I'm to give
I'll only complicate

I just want you to know
It isn't easy to face
It's growing vague
But I will remember
I hear your voice every day
It doesn't seem quite the same
Took you away
From me

I wish that you weren't gone
I wish that you could be saved
I wish that you could be over and over
True to the world
Another summer fades away

Forever beautiful
Don't ever think that I could not appreciate
We all come full circle
Whatever I'm to give
I'll only complicate

This isn't over
There's no way
I'm still denying everything
This can't be right
And possibly. . .
I don't know if I'll ever

Forever beautiful
Don't ever think that I could not appreciate
We all come full circle
Whatever I'm to give
I'll only complicate

Další písničky hudební skupiny Dry Cell:

Dry Cell - Disconnected
Dry Cell - Ordinary
Dry Cell - Brave

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dry Cell:

Dry Cell - Last Time
Dry Cell - Body Crumbles
Dry Cell - Slip away
Dry Cell - Under the sun
Dry Cell - Sorry

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