Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > Dry Cell > Sorry

Text Písně: Sorry - Dry Cell

Text Písně - Sorry - Dry Cell Text Písně - Sorry - Dry Cell
Překlad Písně - Sorry - Dry Cell Překlad Písně - Sorry - Dry Cell
Videoklip k Písni - Sorry - Dry Cell Videoklip k Písni - Sorry - Dry Cell
Karaoke k Písni - Sorry - Dry Cell Karaoke k Písni - Sorry - Dry Cell

I don't want a change inside of me
In respect to effect your life
As we both grow cold [we both grow cold]
It's the very first time that I can see
Would you believe in me
If I told you so [if I told you so]

Now you know how sorry feels
Now you know how sorry feels
Now you know how sorry feels
Now you know how sorry feels

A little bit of space you said you needed
You cheated, repeated, conceitedness [conceitedness]
You say you made a big mistake, you fake
But I won't take you back
For you're too much mess [you're too much mess]

Everything you find, you want to take, take
Everything that's mine you want to go, go
If it doesn't shine, you think it's fake, fake
I'll be doing fine and you won't and now you know

Now you know how sorry feels
Now you know how sorry feels
Now you know how sorry feels
Now you know how sorry feels

Now you know

Další písničky hudební skupiny Dry Cell:

Dry Cell - Silence
Dry Cell - So long ago
Dry Cell - Forever beautiful
Dry Cell - Disconnected
Dry Cell - Ordinary

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dry Cell:

Dry Cell - Last Time
Dry Cell - Body Crumbles
Dry Cell - Slip away
Dry Cell - Under the sun

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