Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > Dry Cell > Under the sun

Text Písně: Under the sun - Dry Cell

Text Písně - Under the sun - Dry Cell Text Písně - Under the sun - Dry Cell
Překlad Písně - Under the sun - Dry Cell Překlad Písně - Under the sun - Dry Cell
Videoklip k Písni - Under the sun - Dry Cell Videoklip k Písni - Under the sun - Dry Cell
Karaoke k Písni - Under the sun - Dry Cell Karaoke k Písni - Under the sun - Dry Cell

We measure our lives in years
But they don't mean much
Always fading away
The things we can't touch

I Didn't want you to go
I Didn't want you to stay
I Didn't want you to know
What was inside of me

We measure our lives in years
But they don't mean much
Always fading away
The things we can't touch
I never told you a lie
I never meant to deceive
I never gave you the time
Or led you to believe

Let it go
Let it go

I'm all alone
So far away
Under the sun
Sometimes you stay
Sometimes you run
Don't want to be the only one
Underneath the sun

We measure our lives in years
But they don't mean much
Always fading away
The things we can't touch
I'm never seeing it through
I'm always walking away
Maybe I don't believe
That it's inside of me

We measure our lives in years
But they don't mean much
Always fading away
The things we can't touch
I can't believe that I'm lost
I don't know how to survive
I can't believe that I'm here
And that I'm still alive

Let it go
Let it go

Sometimes I feel I'm on my way
Sometimes I feel I'm on my own
It's harder and harder every day
Nobody wants to be alone

I was looking for myself
Got lost along the way
Now it feels like someone else
Has got control of me

Další písničky hudební skupiny Dry Cell:

Dry Cell - Sorry
Dry Cell - Silence
Dry Cell - So long ago
Dry Cell - Forever beautiful
Dry Cell - Disconnected

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dry Cell:

Dry Cell - Last Time
Dry Cell - Body Crumbles
Dry Cell - Slip away

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