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Text Písně: Body Crumbles - Dry Cell

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Karaoke k Písni - Body Crumbles - Dry Cell Karaoke k Písni - Body Crumbles - Dry Cell

finally recover and the mood is right
looking up into a neon sky
child in me takes over, guess it's been too long
since the last time that i tried to fly

finally i find when i lose control
inside my body crumbles
it's like therapy for my broken soul
inside my body crumbles

all i need's a moment, chance to get away
from the stressfulness of every day
know if i don't question and i never doubt
everything is gonna be okay

finally i find when i lose control
inside my body crumbles
it's like therapy for my broken soul
inside my body crumbles

i don't know if i'll be alright
is it okay to be myself
why do we always have to fight
now i know it's alright

finally i find when i lose control
inside my body crumbles
it's like therapy for my broken soul
inside my body crumbles

Další písničky hudební skupiny Dry Cell:

Dry Cell - Slip away
Dry Cell - Under the sun
Dry Cell - Sorry
Dry Cell - Silence
Dry Cell - So long ago

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dry Cell:

Dry Cell - Last Time

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