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Text Písně: New Way Home - Foo Fighters

Text Písně - New Way Home - Foo Fighters Text Písně - New Way Home - Foo Fighters
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have you found your way around the down and out?
I know it must seem long so long
I'm still trying to keep this time from running out
head down
always moving on and on and on

I never heard this warning
another early morning
takes me
wakes me into
if you could manage me
I'll try to manage you
but lately it's all I ever do

I felt like this on my way home
I'm not scared
I pass the boats in the kingdome
I'm not scared

I'll never tell you the secret I'm holding
I know these things must bore you
but I can't find another way
I'll never tell you the secrets I'm holding
I love this leash that holds me
when I try to run away

Další písničky hudební skupiny Foo Fighters:

Foo Fighters - This Is A Call
Foo Fighters - I'll Stick Around
Foo Fighters - Big Me
Foo Fighters - Alone + Easy Target
Foo Fighters - Good Grief

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Foo Fighters:

Foo Fighters - The Pretender
Foo Fighters - Friends Of A Friends
Foo Fighters - Long Road to Ruin
Foo Fighters - The Pretender
Foo Fighters - Let It Die

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