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Text Písně: Let It Die - Foo Fighters

Text Písně - Let It Die - Foo Fighters Text Písně - Let It Die - Foo Fighters
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Karaoke k Písni - Let It Die - Foo Fighters Karaoke k Písni - Let It Die - Foo Fighters

Heart of gold but it lost its pride
Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes
I've seen your face in another light
Why'd you have to go and let it die?

Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
In too deep and out of time.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?

A simple man and his blushing bride
Intravenous, intertwined
Hearts gone cold your hands were tied
Why'd you have to go and let it die?

Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
In too deep and out of time.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?

Do you ever think of me?
You're so considerate.
Do you ever think of me?
Oh, so considerate.

In too deep and lost in time
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes
Why'd you have to go and let it die?

Hearts gone cold and hands were tied.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?

Do you ever think of me?
You're so considerate.
Did you ever think of me?
Oh, so considerate.

In too deep and lost in time
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes
Why'd you have to go and let it die?

Hearts gone cold and hands were tied.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?

Why'd you have to go and let this die?
Why'd you have to go and let this die?
Why'd you have to go and let this die?
Why'd you have to go and let this die?

Why'd you have to go and let it die?

Další písničky hudební skupiny Foo Fighters:

Foo Fighters - Erase/Replace
Foo Fighters - Long Road To Ruin
Foo Fighters - Come Alive
Foo Fighters - Stranger Things Have Happened
Foo Fighters - Cheer Up, Boys (Your Make-Up is Running)

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Foo Fighters:

Foo Fighters - The Pretender
Foo Fighters - Friends Of A Friends
Foo Fighters - Long Road to Ruin
Foo Fighters - The Pretender

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