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Text Písně: Big Me - Foo Fighters

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when I talk about it
it carries on
reasons only knew
when I talk about it
aries or treasons all renew

big me to talk about it
I could stand to prove
if we can get around it
I know that it's true

when I talked about it
carried on
reasons only knew

but it's you I fell into

well I talked about it
put it on
never was it true
but it's you I fell into

Další písničky hudební skupiny Foo Fighters:

Foo Fighters - Alone + Easy Target
Foo Fighters - Good Grief
Foo Fighters - Floaty
Foo Fighters - Weenie Beenie
Foo Fighters - Oh, George

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Foo Fighters:

Foo Fighters - The Pretender
Foo Fighters - Friends Of A Friends
Foo Fighters - Long Road to Ruin
Foo Fighters - The Pretender
Foo Fighters - Let It Die

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