Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

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Text Písně: Mary - The Subways

Text Písně - Mary - The Subways Text Písně - Mary - The Subways
Překlad Písně - Mary - The Subways Překlad Písně - Mary - The Subways
Videoklip k Písni - Mary - The Subways Videoklip k Písni - Mary - The Subways
Karaoke k Písni - Mary - The Subways Karaoke k Písni - Mary - The Subways

Mary is my best friend
She makes me my tea
She lets me stay around her place
When there's nowhere else to be
There's nothin in her bedroom
Just a bed and a TV
and it's OK if i'm in her way
I just sit and drink my tea

I'm so Lonely
I 'aint done much
When you come lookin'
You'll find me

Mary keeps me smilin'
Even when I'm down
She lets me stay around her place
When there's no-one else around
There's nothing in her bedroom
Just a bed and a TV
and it's OK if i'm in her way
I just sit and drink my tea

I'm so lazy
I 'aint done much
When you come lookin'
You'll find me
Sleeping there

When she comes around
She says I always look so down
And yet she's always right
She makes me feel alright

I'm so lazy
I 'aint done much
When you come lookin'
You'll find me

Další písničky hudební skupiny The Subways:

The Subways - Rock`N`Roll Queen
The Subways - Shake! Shake!
The Subways - Oh yeah
The Subways - With you
The Subways - Holiday

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny The Subways:

The Subways - Kalifornia
The Subways - Lines of light
The Subways - At 1am
The Subways - Alright
The Subways - Love and death

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