Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

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Text Písně: Kalifornia - The Subways

Text Písně - Kalifornia - The Subways Text Písně - Kalifornia - The Subways
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Karaoke k Písni - Kalifornia - The Subways Karaoke k Písni - Kalifornia - The Subways

Stop the fires, [might be 'start' not 'stop']
Let the world know their invited,
I won't fight it,
I will never be defeated,

If you see Kalifornia,
You will know it's been waiting for you,

Tell the liers,
They will never be believers,
I won't fight it,
I will never be defeated,

If you see Kalifornia,
You will know it's been waiting for you,
Do you feel a paranoia,
You will know it's been waiting for you,

If you see Kalifornia,
You will know it's not as good as *insert venue/town name here
* Do you feel a paranoia,
You will know it's been waiting for you,
If you see Kalifornia,
You will know it's been waiting for you,
Do you feel a paranoia,
You will know it's been waiting for you.

Další písničky hudební skupiny The Subways:

The Subways - Lines of light
The Subways - At 1am
The Subways - Alright
The Subways - Love and death
The Subways - Take me away

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny The Subways:

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