Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

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Text Písně: Holiday - The Subways

Text Písně - Holiday - The Subways Text Písně - Holiday - The Subways
Překlad Písně - Holiday - The Subways Překlad Písně - Holiday - The Subways
Videoklip k Písni - Holiday - The Subways Videoklip k Písni - Holiday - The Subways
Karaoke k Písni - Holiday - The Subways Karaoke k Písni - Holiday - The Subways

I think is time that I went on a holiday
I think it's time that my mind should take away
I take the things that my friends say I should take
I think it's time that I went on a holiday
I know that you will be the one
You'll lead me right into the sun
I run away, run away far from you
I run away, run away far from you

I think it's time that I went on a holiday
I listen to the people who try to fake
They all say that they need a holiday
I think it's time that I went on a holiday

I know that you will be the one
You'll lead me right into the sun
I run away, run away far from you
I run away, run away far from you

Další písničky hudební skupiny The Subways:

The Subways - City pavement
The Subways - She sun
The Subways - Young for eternity
The Subways - I want to hear what you have got to say
The Subways - Somewhere

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny The Subways:

The Subways - Kalifornia
The Subways - Lines of light
The Subways - At 1am
The Subways - Alright
The Subways - Love and death

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