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Hudební skupiny > G > Green Adam > Jessica

Text Písně: Jessica - Green Adam

Text Písně - Jessica - Green Adam Text Písně - Jessica - Green Adam
Překlad Písně - Jessica - Green Adam Překlad Písně - Jessica - Green Adam
Videoklip k Písni - Jessica - Green Adam Videoklip k Písni - Jessica - Green Adam
Karaoke k Písni - Jessica - Green Adam Karaoke k Písni - Jessica - Green Adam

Jessica Simpson, where has your love gone, its not in your music, no.
You need a vacation, to wake up the cavemen and take them to Mexico.
Jessica, Jessica Simpson, you've got it all wrong. Your fraudulent smile, the way that you faked it the day that you died.
My body's in shambles encrusted with brambles that sharpen the air I breathe.
What's on the menu, Jessica can you, take down my order please.
Jessica, Jessica Simpson, you've got it all wrong. your fraudulent smile, the way that you faked it the day that you died.
Tomorrow gets closer, a purple bulldozer is calling you on the phone.
Your love life precedes you, your son-in-law feeds you, injections of Cortisone.
Jessica, Jessica Simpson, you've got it all wrong. your fraudulent smile, the way that you faked it the day that you died. Jessica Simpson where has your love gone, its not in your music, so where has it gone? then, Jessica...

Další písničky hudební skupiny Green Adam:

Green Adam - Musical Ladders
Green Adam - The Prince's Bed
Green Adam - Bunnyranch
Green Adam - Friends of Mine
Green Adam - Frozen in Time

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Green Adam:

Green Adam - Gemstones
Green Adam - Down On The Street
Green Adam - He's the Brat
Green Adam - Over the Sunrise
Green Adam - Crackhouse Blues

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