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Text Písně: Gemstones - Green Adam

Text Písně - Gemstones - Green Adam Text Písně - Gemstones - Green Adam
Překlad Písně - Gemstones - Green Adam Překlad Písně - Gemstones - Green Adam
Videoklip k Písni - Gemstones - Green Adam Videoklip k Písni - Gemstones - Green Adam
Karaoke k Písni - Gemstones - Green Adam Karaoke k Písni - Gemstones - Green Adam

Gemstones cracking, cause we're just too strong
Drum-sized yearning cuz the pressure's gone
Supervised love, crucified stuvs
Simmering red in the sex farm clubs

There's an exit to this desert
Dangling freely from the shingles in the snow
She's a show off, Xanax Zoloft
Blank faced footprints of the zebras in the glen

Cavemen humping in the sterling space pod
Drumstick pumpkin in the Starbucks courtyard
Gigolos dance, stepping on toes
Benedryl nights in the okay holes

There's an exit to this desert
Dangling freely from the shingles in the snow
She's a show off, Xanax Zoloft
Blank faced footprints of the zebras in the glen

Let's break into the labyrinth of lies
Let's dive off the end of his eyes
Hollywood hills, peppermint pills
I can still taste the grime that you stuffed in my gills

Oh Johnny, can't you set a place for Holly?
She's a wild one, she'll be staying for a spell
Till they find her, then they drag her down
To Barcelona! Down to Barcelona!
I'm a very funny boy, but I know not to say 'cha cha cha'
Dunkin' Donuts, give me Dunkin' Donuts!
She's a very funny girl
But I love that crazy bitch, alright!

Další písničky hudební skupiny Green Adam:

Green Adam - Down On The Street
Green Adam - He's the Brat
Green Adam - Over the Sunrise
Green Adam - Crackhouse Blues
Green Adam - Before My Bedtime

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Green Adam:

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