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Text Písně: Musical Ladders - Green Adam

Text Písně - Musical Ladders - Green Adam Text Písně - Musical Ladders - Green Adam
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Karaoke k Písni - Musical Ladders - Green Adam Karaoke k Písni - Musical Ladders - Green Adam

musical ladders
leaning on mountains
bathed in white laughter
under the sun

somebody's birthday
came stumbling towards us
wrapped in green gladness
under the sun

we're gonna to make it through this war tonight
someone hold this child up to the light

prostitute fingers
fumbling with matches
tucked in red couches
under green moons

mexican waitress
got caught in the crossfire
of militant families
bursting with jews

we're gonna break it to your folks tonight
kind of hope your pops dont hear me right
ooh yeah

Další písničky hudební skupiny Green Adam:

Green Adam - The Prince's Bed
Green Adam - Bunnyranch
Green Adam - Friends of Mine
Green Adam - Frozen in Time
Green Adam - Broken Joystick

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Green Adam:

Green Adam - Gemstones
Green Adam - Down On The Street
Green Adam - He's the Brat
Green Adam - Over the Sunrise
Green Adam - Crackhouse Blues

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