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Text Písně: Before My Bedtime - Green Adam

Text Písně - Before My Bedtime - Green Adam Text Písně - Before My Bedtime - Green Adam
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Karaoke k Písni - Before My Bedtime - Green Adam Karaoke k Písni - Before My Bedtime - Green Adam

Who cares what day it is
Or how long we live for?
I need to make a judgement
About you before my bedtime
For when I put my head down on the pillow
My drugstore dreams will cut me down to size
By then I'll be a brand new different person
To love you while I'm trying to decide

I don't care what time you keep
Or what you thought I came to do
I lost you on a Tuesday
That's all I can remember

For when I put my head down on the pillow
My drugstore dreams will cut me down to size
By then I'll be a brand new different person
To love you while I'm trying to decide

Oh, the spectrum of my days
The make-up that was peeling off
Your adolescent face
Oh, such a face
To try to get the clocks to change
To turn and swing the other way
Before I knew that pigeons cried
And sanctified the hopelessness inside

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