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Text Písně: Bible Club - Green Adam

Text Písně - Bible Club - Green Adam Text Písně - Bible Club - Green Adam
Překlad Písně - Bible Club - Green Adam Překlad Písně - Bible Club - Green Adam
Videoklip k Písni - Bible Club - Green Adam Videoklip k Písni - Bible Club - Green Adam
Karaoke k Písni - Bible Club - Green Adam Karaoke k Písni - Bible Club - Green Adam

She's my baby, she's my love
Pixie Queen of Bible Club
Seen her round the fountain sipping cokes
Crafting brand new Polish jokes
And I can't explain why my accent changed
I guess there's still some hope to score some dope
She needs to be changed inside

She's my waitress, she's the boss
Lips and teeth of scented clothes
Pencil in the dentist, clean the crops
Have you seen my soda pop?
There was a Polish priest
Who thought that he could please me
He got me so whacked down, I nearly lost my house
Cause nobody needs me, yeah

Další písničky hudební skupiny Green Adam:

Green Adam - Chubby Princess
Green Adam - Losing on a Tuesday
Green Adam - Teddy Boys
Green Adam - Bluebirds
Green Adam - Hard to Be a Girl

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Green Adam:

Green Adam - Gemstones
Green Adam - Down On The Street
Green Adam - He's the Brat
Green Adam - Over the Sunrise
Green Adam - Crackhouse Blues

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