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Hudební skupiny > F > Flogging Molly > Light of a Fading Star

Text Písně: Light of a Fading Star - Flogging Molly

Text Písně - Light of a Fading Star - Flogging Molly Text Písně - Light of a Fading Star - Flogging Molly
Překlad Písně - Light of a Fading Star - Flogging Molly Překlad Písně - Light of a Fading Star - Flogging Molly
Videoklip k Písni - Light of a Fading Star - Flogging Molly Videoklip k Písni - Light of a Fading Star - Flogging Molly
Karaoke k Písni - Light of a Fading Star - Flogging Molly Karaoke k Písni - Light of a Fading Star - Flogging Molly

And the light of a fading star
Is what you were, is what you are
Like the glow that christens the moon
You shone too soon, you shone too soon

Oh when will this war be over?
And the madness leaves the air
This brick that's found between us
And the pulling of the hair

But if there's a reason
I don't need to know right now

And the light of a fading star
Is what you were, is what you are
Like the glow that christens the moon
You shone too soon, you shone too soon

Volunteers are soon forgotten
And many more of us shall die
The sick still feed the hungry
And the last battle song has cried

But if there's a reason
I don't need to know right now

And the light of a fading star
Is what you were, is what you are
Like the glow that christens the moon
You shone too soon, you shone too soon

Oh and I always thought
That you, you wanted me
Oh and I always thought some how
That you, you wanted me

Ahhh, but if there's a reason
I don't need to know right now
'Cause beyond the pale eyes' evening
And the shadow of the cloud

And the light of a fading star
Is what you were, is what you are
Like the glow that christens the moon
You shone too soon, you shone too soon

And the light of a fading star
Is what you were, is what you are
Like the glow that christens the moon
You shone too soon, you shone too soon

And the light of a fading star
Is what you were, is what you are

Další písničky hudební skupiny Flogging Molly:

Flogging Molly - Tobacco Island
Flogging Molly - The Wrong Company
Flogging Molly - Tomorrow Comes a Day Too Soon
Flogging Molly - Queen Anne's Revenge
Flogging Molly - Wanderlust

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Flogging Molly:

Flogging Molly - Requiem For a Dying Song
Flogging Molly - (No More) Paddy's Lament
Flogging Molly - Float
Flogging Molly - You Won't Make a Fool Out of Me
Flogging Molly - Lighting Storm

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