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Text Písně: Lighting Storm - Flogging Molly

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Flogging Molly Lightning Storm Lyrics:
This loney exsistence may use the way
For the hard of hearts must beat be brave
While this quite lightning storm
Wreaks the harvest gold we try to sow So it begins
The way the light still dances beneath
the skin there the messenger from hell since were bound to win
As the days do come but the years do go
So take care of your freedom you'll never know

I sit on the wing for a blackbird song
To tell me were and when this all went wrong

There's no resolution without remorse
Ignorence blist ye fin let state of course
Puncture the skin and see his blood run cold on desert sand
Come hear the meant for mothers with childless hands
As the days do come but the years do go
So take care of your freedom you'll never know
Take good care of your freedom you'll never know

Take what you give until there's nothing left but everlive
And night this is on shadows and after kill
As the days do come and the years do go
So take care of your freedom you'll never know
Yeah take good care of your freedom you'll never know
The days do come but the years do go
So take care of you freedom you'll never know

Další písničky hudební skupiny Flogging Molly:

Flogging Molly - Punch Drunk Grinning Soul
Flogging Molly - Us of Lesser Gods
Flogging Molly - Between a Man and a Woman
Flogging Molly - From the Back of a Broken Dream
Flogging Molly - Man With No Country

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Flogging Molly:

Flogging Molly - Requiem For a Dying Song
Flogging Molly - (No More) Paddy's Lament
Flogging Molly - Float
Flogging Molly - You Won't Make a Fool Out of Me

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