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Hudební skupiny > F > Flogging Molly > You Won't Make a Fool Out of Me

Text Písně: You Won't Make a Fool Out of Me - Flogging Molly

Text Písně - You Won't Make a Fool Out of Me - Flogging Molly Text Písně - You Won't Make a Fool Out of Me - Flogging Molly
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Karaoke k Písni - You Won't Make a Fool Out of Me - Flogging Molly Karaoke k Písni - You Won't Make a Fool Out of Me - Flogging Molly

Rank these woods
Where lost ispiration
Ain't that a barrel full of laughs
Wipe you arse of the crumbs on the table
Where they fall hungry on your land
Whatever became of the seed that once grew in your hand
And the darts where you fingers did
bleed and the rush to your head

Oh ya won't no no you won't make a fool outa me

Worse things break that are made of elastic
And I'm no puppet on your show
You won't sing when the singer is songless
Another notch in your fat belt
But green is the heart of your greed
That much I can tell
you may think you're the captain of me
But I'm your coffinship from hell

And ya won't no no no ya won't, ya won't make a fool outa me
Won't no no no ya won't, ya won't make a fool outa me

So I'll drag theese bones across the edge
With the dead I'll never sleep
Where I'll haunt ya for a thousabd years
Without breath you'll never breath
For an emty shell your grave will a lost for ever more

And ya won't no no no ya won't, ya won't make a fool outa

Wipe that hand that fed you for nothing
Get that monkey of your back
Empty lies and bold celebrations thas
not the meaning of successs
But green is the harsh of your greed that much I can tell

And ya won't no no no ya won't make a fool outa me
I says ya won't no no no ya won't make a fool outa me
I says ya won't no no no ya won't make a fool outa me

Další písničky hudební skupiny Flogging Molly:

Flogging Molly - Lighting Storm
Flogging Molly - Punch Drunk Grinning Soul
Flogging Molly - Us of Lesser Gods
Flogging Molly - Between a Man and a Woman
Flogging Molly - From the Back of a Broken Dream

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Flogging Molly:

Flogging Molly - Requiem For a Dying Song
Flogging Molly - (No More) Paddy's Lament
Flogging Molly - Float

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