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Hudební skupiny > D > Delain > Virtue And Vice

Text Písně: Virtue And Vice - Delain

Text Písně - Virtue And Vice - Delain Text Písně - Virtue And Vice - Delain
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Whatever the prophecy...
Whatever prosperity...

Heaven denied us it's kingdom
Tell me where we've gone wrong
Oh, fortitude, I do like you
But I only speak when spoken to
Heaven forgive, the mess I meant
Temperance, why do I cast
Your prudence to the wind?

Whatever the prophecy
Let it be, Let it be
We'll live all there is to live
Be it pleasure, be it sorrow
Whatever prosperity
Lies in me, lies in me
I'll be all that i can be
My forever starts tomorrow

I am a nightmare haunting you
I steal away your sleep
A poison running through your veins
A wound, that always bleeds

Call it love, call it lust
Luxuria, my enemy,
you get the best of me

Whatever the prophecy
Let it be, Let it be
We'll live all there is to live
Be it pleasure, be it sorrow
Whatever prosperity
Lies in me, lies in me
I'll be all that i can be
My forever starts tomorrow

Další písničky hudební skupiny Delain:

Delain - On The Other Side
Delain - Control The Storm
Delain - Invidia
Delain - Stay Forever
Delain - April Rain

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Delain:

Delain - Sever
Delain - No Compliance
Delain - Frozen
Delain - Day For Ghost
Delain - Daylight Lucidity

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