Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > Delain > On The Other Side

Text Písně: On The Other Side - Delain

Text Písně - On The Other Side - Delain Text Písně - On The Other Side - Delain
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Videoklip k Písni - On The Other Side - Delain Videoklip k Písni - On The Other Side - Delain
Karaoke k Písni - On The Other Side - Delain Karaoke k Písni - On The Other Side - Delain

Will you wait?
I'm on the other side
The other side
Will you wait?
I'm on the other side
It's too late to tell you what I'm about
But god, I'm proud

A giant in the sky
A light flooded horizon
a silent peaceful cry
And the sun that is rising
Warms me up
Warms me up
Wears me out

Will you wait?
I'm on the other side
The other side
Will you wait?
I'm on the other side
It's too late to tell you what I'm about
But God, I'm proud
But God, I'm proud...

A different kind of quiet
A different kind of warning
You've said your last goodbyes
And left your daughters mourning
Breathing in
Breathing now
Breathing out

Will you wait?
I'm on the other side
The other side
Will you wait?
I'm on the other side
It's too late to tell you what I'm about
But God, I'm proud
But God, I'm proud...

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Delain - April Rain

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Delain:

Delain - Sever
Delain - No Compliance
Delain - Frozen
Delain - Day For Ghost
Delain - Daylight Lucidity

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