Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > Delain > Day For Ghost

Text Písně: Day For Ghost - Delain

Text Písně - Day For Ghost - Delain Text Písně - Day For Ghost - Delain
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Videoklip k Písni - Day For Ghost - Delain Videoklip k Písni - Day For Ghost - Delain
Karaoke k Písni - Day For Ghost - Delain Karaoke k Písni - Day For Ghost - Delain

The livelong day there's a voice in my cry
Growing like fire, (it brings) scorn to

my smile
Time lengthens the night, and shortens the day,
The ghosts I host don't seem to go away

I've got my reasons
To burn the world
Reasons all my own
A stitch by which I'm attached
to this world of bone

I've got my reasons
To burn the world
Reasons all my own
A stitch by which I'm attached
to this world of bone

A day for ghosts

A day for ghosts

A day for ghosts

A day for ghosts

Laws dissolve to reveal wonder
As they open up to pull me under
And I will put my terms to the test
To put the ghosts to rest

I've got my reasons
To burn the world
Reasons all my own
A stitch by which I'm attached
to this world of bone

I've got my reasons
To burn the world
Reasons all my own
A stitch by which I'm attached
to this world of bone

Další písničky hudební skupiny Delain:

Delain - Daylight Lucidity
Delain - Deep Frozen
Delain - Pristine
Delain - Shattered
Delain - See Me In Shadow

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Delain:

Delain - Sever
Delain - No Compliance
Delain - Frozen

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