Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 702 > Where My Girls At

Text Písně: Where My Girls At - 702

Text Písně - Where My Girls At - 702 Text Písně - Where My Girls At - 702
Překlad Písně - Where My Girls At - 702 Překlad Písně - Where My Girls At - 702
Videoklip k Písni - Where My Girls At - 702 Videoklip k Písni - Where My Girls At - 702
Karaoke k Písni - Where My Girls At - 702 Karaoke k Písni - Where My Girls At - 702

He's my property

And any girl - that's us

I might call your bluff

Cuz I don't give a oohhh

Why'd you call my cell

Oh I'ma wish you well

Cuz any girl that tried has fell

Where my girls at

From the front to back

Well is you feelin' that

Well put one hand up

Can you repeat that

Tryin' to take my man

See I don't need that

So don't play yourself

Where my girls at

From the front to back

Well is you feelin' that

Well put one hand up

Can you repeat that

Tryin' to take my man

See I don't need that

Hey, hey, hey, hey

Don't you violate me

Cuz I'ma make ya hate me

If you decide to mess with mine

Shrunk you down to size

Make ya realized

You done messed up this time

You must learn the rules

Anything that belongs to me

He is my

My property

Don't you see

Další písničky hudební skupiny 702:

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny 702:

702 - All I Want
702 - Betcha She
702 - Better Day (ghetto Girl)
702 - Blah Blah Blah Blah
702 - Certified

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