Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 702 > All I Want

Text Písně: All I Want - 702

Text Písně - All I Want - 702 Text Písně - All I Want - 702
Překlad Písně - All I Want - 702 Překlad Písně - All I Want - 702
Videoklip k Písni - All I Want - 702 Videoklip k Písni - All I Want - 702
Karaoke k Písni - All I Want - 702 Karaoke k Písni - All I Want - 702

All I want is someone I can talk to,
Someone who will listen to what I have to say.
All I need is some special attention,
Someone who will mention the special things in me.

[Verse One:]
I not the kind of girl,
Who doesn't know what she wants.
I see it in my mind,
The kind of guy to treat me right.
I know he'll be strong,
He'll keep me going on,
I'll know him when he comes,
He'll be my number one.

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse Two:]
Special in every way,
Takes time from busy days,
To satisfy my needs.
Says things to comfort me,
It's not much to ask for,
The things I want.
I'll know him when he comes,
He'll be my number one.

[Repeat Chorus]

All that I'm (All that I'm),
Looking for (looking for),
Got to have (got to have),
Someone mature (ooh baby).
Ooh,everything (everything),
You do and say (do and say),
Touch my heart (touch my heart in a special way).
All I want,
All I need,
Someone special.

[Repeat Chorus to fade]

Další písničky hudební skupiny 702:

702 - Betcha She
702 - Better Day (ghetto Girl)
702 - Blah Blah Blah Blah
702 - Certified
702 - Come & Knock On My Door

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny 702:

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