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Text Písně: Moving On - King Diamond

Text Písně - Moving On - King Diamond Text Písně - Moving On - King Diamond
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Karaoke k Písni - Moving On - King Diamond Karaoke k Písni - Moving On - King Diamond

Oh, you gotta move on now
I can see, I can feel, the tears in your eyes
The tears that you cry, you gotta move on now
Let me wipe those tears from your eyes

If I could only take his place… On the other side
I can see, I can feel, the tears in his eyes
The tears that he cries
We need each other
In the darkest of night… he's all I have

Time is running out, to find another soul
Time is running out, to find another soul

You gotta move on now, You gotta move on now
And find another house before the dawn is coming in
Moving on, moving on, oh yeah
Before the dawn is coming in, find a soul that's free of sin
I'm trying, crying
I'm trying, I don't know if I can
You gotta move on now, You gotta move on now
And find another house before the dawn is coming in
Find a soul that's free on sin

Time is running out, I'm moving on
Time is running out, I'm moving on

On the other side
I can see, I can feel, the tears in his eyes
The tears that he cries
We need each other
In the darkest of night
I'm moving on to this house

Další písničky hudební skupiny King Diamond:

King Diamond - Spare This Life
King Diamond - The Storm
King Diamond - A Mansion In Sorrow
King Diamond - Miriam
King Diamond - Little One

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny King Diamond:

King Diamond - The Family Ghost
King Diamond - The Candle
King Diamond - The 7th Day Of July 1777
King Diamond - Shrine
King Diamond - Omens

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