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Hudební skupiny > K > King Diamond > Miriam

Text Písně: Miriam - King Diamond

Text Písně - Miriam - King Diamond Text Písně - Miriam - King Diamond
Překlad Písně - Miriam - King Diamond Překlad Písně - Miriam - King Diamond
Videoklip k Písni - Miriam - King Diamond Videoklip k Písni - Miriam - King Diamond
Karaoke k Písni - Miriam - King Diamond Karaoke k Písni - Miriam - King Diamond

Curtains of back were inside the room
Shutting out the light, the light that always hurt his eyes
There was nothing bright in this entire mansion... no, no
Except for the candlelight... the light... and the fire that burned real slow

Oh Miriam... why did you have to go and die?

Curtains of black were inside the room
Abigail was not alone, there was someone else in here too
"Come closer dear", said the shadow in the wheelchair
"Stand by the fireplace, so I can better see your face"

Oh Miriam, why did you have to go and die?

[Solo: Andy]

The shadow could not believe, the likeness in her face
It looked as if his Miriam had come back from the grave
"I am Count de La Fey, and you are?"
"Abigail", she whispered and shivered to the bone
"Can I?", he said "Can I,.. can I call you Miriam?"

"Miriam... or Abigail is fine
You can even call me Lucy for it is just a name"

He struggled out of the wheelchair
Since his fall many years ago
Now he could only walk by a cane, what a shame

[Solo: Andy]

"Don't move! Stay where you are", and then he was right behind her
Touching her long black hair, he was breathing much harder now
Then he grabbed her head

In the pain she screamed as he
Yanked out a lock of that beautiful hair, oh dear oh dear oh dear

He quickly struggled across the floor to a smaller cabinet
Behind glass door it said: "To My beloved Dear"
It was then he started to compare, and she saw the other HAIR
In his twisted mind, she was back, but why
"I must retire my dear in order to prepare
You should do the same, tomorrow an heir"

Další písničky hudební skupiny King Diamond:

King Diamond - Little One
King Diamond - Slippery Stairs
King Diamond - The Crypt
King Diamond - Broken Glass
King Diamond - More Than Pain

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny King Diamond:

King Diamond - The Family Ghost
King Diamond - The Candle
King Diamond - The 7th Day Of July 1777
King Diamond - Shrine
King Diamond - Omens

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