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Text Písně: My Hero - Foo Fighters

Text Písně - My Hero - Foo Fighters Text Písně - My Hero - Foo Fighters
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Too alarming now to talk about
Take your pictures down and shake it out
Truth or consequence, say it aloud
Use that evidence, race it around

There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
Hes ordinary

Dont the best of them bleed it out
While the rest of them peter out
Truth or consequence, say it aloud
Use that evidence, race it around

There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
Hes ordinary

Kudos my hero leaving all the best
You know my hero, the one thats on

There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
Hes ordinary

Další písničky hudební skupiny Foo Fighters:

Foo Fighters - Doll
Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench
Foo Fighters - Hey, Johnny Park!
Foo Fighters - My Poor Brain
Foo Fighters - Wind Up

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Foo Fighters:

Foo Fighters - The Pretender
Foo Fighters - Friends Of A Friends
Foo Fighters - Long Road to Ruin
Foo Fighters - The Pretender
Foo Fighters - Let It Die

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