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Text Písně: All Through The Years - Erasure

Text Písně - All Through The Years - Erasure Text Písně - All Through The Years - Erasure
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Karaoke k Písni - All Through The Years - Erasure Karaoke k Písni - All Through The Years - Erasure

Longing to sail on
Through the night to the stars
On until sunrise
Where the moon hides her tears
All through the years

If I could see the world through someone else's eyes
If I could see through you would I cast you to one side
And if you gave it all would I throw it all away
Like the leaves in autumn winds

From the window in the kitchen
To the fireside by the chair
Sat in familiar surroundings warm night air
Under the bridges that were burning
Before we reached the other side
All the feelings I remember I cannot hide
Not for want of trying

And if you held me here would the moment fade away
Into obscurity like the night becomes the day
For all the broken promises tell me where do I begin
To throw my caution to the wind

Longing to sail on
Through the night to the stars
On until sunrise

Where the moon hides her tears
All through the years

All through the years all through the years
All through the years all through the years
All through the years all through the years

Další písničky hudební skupiny Erasure:

Erasure - Always
Erasure - Am I Right?
Erasure - Angel
Erasure - Be My Baby
Erasure - Because Our Love Is Real

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Erasure:

Erasure - Oh! L'amour
Erasure - 2000 Miles
Erasure - A Little Respect
Erasure - A Long Goodbye
Erasure - Alien

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