Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > E > Erasure > Am I Right?

Text Písně: Am I Right? - Erasure

Text Písně - Am I Right? - Erasure Text Písně - Am I Right? - Erasure
Překlad Písně - Am I Right? - Erasure Překlad Písně - Am I Right? - Erasure
Videoklip k Písni - Am I Right? - Erasure Videoklip k Písni - Am I Right? - Erasure
Karaoke k Písni - Am I Right? - Erasure Karaoke k Písni - Am I Right? - Erasure

Wandering through the back roads
And the rain comes rushing down
To resolve your love
For this man in his twenties

Am I right?
Am I wrong?
Or am I just dreaming?

Climbing up the backstairs
There's a chill wind in the air
I wrap up from the cold
Pull the blinds in the window

Who was there?
Was it you?
Or am I just dreaming?

Look at all the lonely people
Walking miles around the town
I can see the old cathedral
But I have to play it down

Boats along the river
Setting up their sails
And life carries on as normal
Although you're not around

Waiting at the bus stop
Laughing off the rain
Shaking their umbrellas
Till it starts again

Flowers in the water
Floating off downstream
Paper in the gutter
Blowing in the breeze

Am I right?
Am I wrong?
Or am I just dreaming?

Další písničky hudební skupiny Erasure:

Erasure - Angel
Erasure - Be My Baby
Erasure - Because Our Love Is Real
Erasure - Because You´re So Sweet
Erasure - Blue Away

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Erasure:

Erasure - Oh! L'amour
Erasure - 2000 Miles
Erasure - A Little Respect
Erasure - A Long Goodbye
Erasure - Alien

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