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Hudební skupiny > D > Alesha Dixon > Do You Know the Way it Feels

Text Písně: Do You Know the Way it Feels - Alesha Dixon

Text Písně - Do You Know the Way it Feels - Alesha Dixon Text Písně - Do You Know the Way it Feels - Alesha Dixon
Překlad Písně - Do You Know the Way it Feels - Alesha Dixon Překlad Písně - Do You Know the Way it Feels - Alesha Dixon
Videoklip k Písni - Do You Know the Way it Feels - Alesha Dixon Videoklip k Písni - Do You Know the Way it Feels - Alesha Dixon
Karaoke k Písni - Do You Know the Way it Feels - Alesha Dixon Karaoke k Písni - Do You Know the Way it Feels - Alesha Dixon

In life the things that we try
Don't work the first time
It's OK you gotta start again
And rewind the tape babe
Ya get paid yeah you made a mistake
But you're telling the story
It's OK take a break cos tomorrow's
A brand new day
So I'm looking high in every place and I'm
Following everything within my heart
I thought that I could make a difference
I feel like I am falling from the star

Don't baby ever let me go
Don't baby ever let me go yeah
Don't baby ever let me go
Don't baby ever let me go

It's hard to say this
But I feel I've fallen down, fallen down,
Fallen down
It's hard to say this babe
Feel like the time has come around
Waited too long
Waited far too long
I'm looking high in every place and I'm
Following everything within my heart
I thought that I could make a difference
I feel like I'm falling from the stars

Don't baby ever let me go
Don't baby ever let me go, yeah
Don't baby ever let me go
Don't baby ever let me go, babe
Don't baby ever let me go
Don't baby ever let me go, yeah
Don't baby ever let me go
Don't baby ever let me go

And I'm just cool, so cool
Just the way I like it
Cool yeah yes I'm cool

Don't baby ever let me go
Don't baby ever let me go, yeah
Don't baby ever let me go
Don't baby ever let me go, babe
Don't baby ever let me go
Don't baby ever let me go, yeah
Don't baby ever let me go
Don't baby ever let me go

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Alesha Dixon - Italians Do it Better
Alesha Dixon - Ooh baby I Like it Like That
Alesha Dixon - Don't Ever let Me Go
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Alesha Dixon - The Boy Does Nothing
Alesha Dixon - Breathe Slow
Alesha Dixon - Breath slow
Alesha Dixon - Let´s get Excited
Alesha Dixon - Can I Begin

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