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Hudební skupiny > A > Alphaville > Upside Down

Text Písně: Upside Down - Alphaville

Text Písně - Upside Down - Alphaville Text Písně - Upside Down - Alphaville
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Videoklip k Písni - Upside Down - Alphaville Videoklip k Písni - Upside Down - Alphaville
Karaoke k Písni - Upside Down - Alphaville Karaoke k Písni - Upside Down - Alphaville

You carved the runes into my bones and signed them up for me

I still don't know what's on your list and what's prepared for me

You killed the fairies in my dreams, you poured their blood on me

If i only knew your plans, i'd drink it happily

I hate to be in love with you but put the blame on me

You're innocent just like a gun, you love me dangerously

Your body seems to be unreal, your touch is like the sea

And when i gaze upon your smile the devil grins at me

But if i lost your gleaming look i'd lose the light in me

As long as i can feel the pain i burn fantastically

I hate to be in love with you but put the blame on me

You're innocent just like a gun, you love me dangerously

You brought the stars right down to me, you smashed them on the ground

You ripped the moon out of its place and turned it upside down

Maybe you thought i'd take it cool but i feel like i'm cursed

Armed with the rapture of a fool i ruin my universe

I hate to be in love with you but put the blame on me

You're innocent just like a gun, you love me dangerously carved the runes into my bones and signed them up for me

I still don't know what's on your list and what's prepared for me...

...for me

...for me

...for me

Další písničky hudební skupiny Alphaville:

Alphaville - Zoo
Alphaville - Carry your flag
Alphaville - Carry Your Flag
Alphaville - Lassie Come Home
Alphaville - Faith (Víra)

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Alphaville:

Alphaville - Forever Young
Alphaville - Big In Japan
Alphaville - Sounds Like A Melody
Alphaville - Dance With Me
Alphaville - A Victory Of Love

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