Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

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Text Písně: Zoo - Alphaville

Text Písně - Zoo - Alphaville Text Písně - Zoo - Alphaville
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Karaoke k Písni - Zoo - Alphaville Karaoke k Písni - Zoo - Alphaville

Look at me - you can watch me
Listen to me - you can hear me
Talk to me - you can yell at me
Play with me - you infuriate me
Look at me - just watch me
Try to see... - but you better not touch me
Look at me - just watch me
Try to see me through - but you better not touch me...
Does it make you feel better? to know that i'm here to stay.
Does it make you feel better? to know my heart is locked away.
Does it make you feel safer? knowing i won't get away.
Does it make you feel safer? to have my soul in chains.
Watching you - i can look at you
Hearing you - i can listen to you
Yelling at you - i can't talk to you
Feeling you - i wish i could touch you
Look at me - just watch me
Try to see... - but you better not touch me
Look at me - just watch me
Try to see me through - but you better not touch me...
Does it make you feel better? to know ....
Does it make you feel better? to know that i'm here to stay.
Does it make you feel....better?
Does it make you feel safer? knowing i won't get away.
Does it make you feel safer? to have my soul in chains....

Další písničky hudební skupiny Alphaville:

Alphaville - Carry your flag
Alphaville - Carry Your Flag
Alphaville - Lassie Come Home
Alphaville - Faith (Víra)
Alphaville - Alphaville - Moongirl (F.+P.)

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Alphaville:

Alphaville - Forever Young
Alphaville - Big In Japan
Alphaville - Sounds Like A Melody
Alphaville - Dance With Me
Alphaville - A Victory Of Love

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