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Text Písně: Devil - The Servant

Text Písně - Devil - The Servant Text Písně - Devil - The Servant
Překlad Písně - Devil - The Servant Překlad Písně - Devil - The Servant
Videoklip k Písni - Devil - The Servant Videoklip k Písni - Devil - The Servant
Karaoke k Písni - Devil - The Servant Karaoke k Písni - Devil - The Servant

Knocking on my door was an evil silhouette
Knocking this morning a black silhouette
Knocking on my door was an evil silhouette
And his eyes were glowing like two lit cigarettes
Me and the devil were standing side by side
I looked in the mirror into my own eyes
Me and the devil were standing side by side
He held out his claws and I began to rise
I got me and the devil blues
Me and the devil blues
"I know you know it’s time to go"
I got me and the devil blues
Me and the devil blues
Me and the devil blues
"I know you know it’s time to go"
I got me and the devil blues
"About every week I come ringing for the dead
I pile ‘em up high - feets and heads
I squash ‘em in tight
I shout my call :

I’ll take your little dead boy
I’ll take your little dead girl
About every week I come ringing for the dead
I pile ‘em up high - feets and heads
I squash ‘em in tight
I shout my call :

I’ll take your little dead boy
I’ll take your little dead girl
I don’t mind"

You may bury my body in a supermarket aisle
Bury my body in the fresh meat aisle
You may bury my body in a supermarket aisle
And I will rise again like an exocet missile

I got me and the devil blues
Me and the devil blues
"I know you know it’s time to go"
I got me and the devil blues
Me and the devil blues
Me and the devil blues
"I know you know it’s time to go"
I got me and the devil blues

Další písničky hudební skupiny The Servant:

The Servant - Orchestra
The Servant - I Can Walk in Your Mind
The Servant - Not Scared, Terrified
The Servant - Jesus Says
The Servant - Get Down

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny The Servant:

The Servant - Cells
The Servant - Beautiful Thing
The Servant - Liquefy
The Servant - Body

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