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Text Písně: Liquefy - The Servant

Text Písně - Liquefy - The Servant Text Písně - Liquefy - The Servant
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Karaoke k Písni - Liquefy - The Servant Karaoke k Písni - Liquefy - The Servant

One autumn you once said to me
There's too much stuff around
The bus groaned along
You put your hand upon the window
The town
And I thought
You look just fine to me
You look just fine to me
You look just fine to me
Shall we liquefy
Oh you and I
And mingle in the stream?
Shall we liquefy
Oh you and I
And vanish into the sea?

Still sleeping you woke me up
Muttering in your dream
In darkness I could feel your
Your little body breathe
And I thought
You feel just fine to me
You feel just fine to me
You feel just fine to me
Shall we liquefy
Oh you and I
And mingle in the stream?
Shall we liquefy
Oh you and I
And appear in the ocean's dream?
Shall we liquefy
Oh you and I
And vanish into the sea?

Will I always love you?
I just don't know
I'll give it a go
Will you always love me?
How could you know?
Just give it a go

I was at a party
That's when it came to me
Oh what a moment
I was reading a magazine in someone's bedroom
And I thought
You're just so fine to me
You're just so fine to me
You're just so fine to me
Shall we liquefy

Další písničky hudební skupiny The Servant:

The Servant - Body
The Servant - Devil
The Servant - Orchestra
The Servant - I Can Walk in Your Mind
The Servant - Not Scared, Terrified

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny The Servant:

The Servant - Cells
The Servant - Beautiful Thing

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