Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 10 Years > Wasteland

Text Písně: Wasteland - 10 Years

Text Písně - Wasteland - 10 Years Text Písně - Wasteland - 10 Years
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Videoklip k Písni - Wasteland - 10 Years Videoklip k Písni - Wasteland - 10 Years
Karaoke k Písni - Wasteland - 10 Years Karaoke k Písni - Wasteland - 10 Years

Change my attempt good intentions

Crouched over
You were not there
Living in fear
But signs were not really that scarce
Obvious tears
But I will not
Hide you through this
I want you to help them, please see
The bleeding heart perched on my shirt

Die, withdraw
Hide in cold sweat
Quivering lips
Ignore remorse
Naming a kid, living wasteland
This time you've tried
All that you can turning you red

Change my attempt good intentions
Should I, could I
Here we are with your obsession
Should I, could I

Crowned hopeless
The article read living wasteland
This time you've tried
All that you can turning you red
but I will not
Hide you through this
I want you to help

Change my attempt good intentions
Should I, could I

Here we are with your obsession
Should I, could I

Heave the silver hollow sliver
Piercing through another victim
Turn and tremble be judgmental
Ignorant to all the symbols
Blind the face with beauty paste
Eventually you'll one day know

Change my attempt good intentions
Limbs tied, skin tight
Self inflicted his perdition

Další písničky hudební skupiny 10 Years:

10 Years - Waking Up
10 Years - Fault Line
10 Years - The Recipe
10 Years - Cast It Out
10 Years - Seasons To Cycles

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny 10 Years:

10 Years - BLANK SHELL
10 Years - Day Dreamer
10 Years - Cycle Of Life
10 Years - Scream At The Walls
10 Years - Proud Of You

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