Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 10 Years > Seasons To Cycles

Text Písně: Seasons To Cycles - 10 Years

Text Písně - Seasons To Cycles - 10 Years Text Písně - Seasons To Cycles - 10 Years
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Karaoke k Písni - Seasons To Cycles - 10 Years Karaoke k Písni - Seasons To Cycles - 10 Years

How small do you want me to be
Weighed in the balance left lonely
So much can be said through silence
As hard as it seems
All that we need is to close to be seen

Our lives
You build your walls for me to climb
A billion walls for me to climb
You build your walls for me to climb

Travels the very nature we'll live in
Seasons to cycles children to men
Mislead and misread
Company or companion
With all of our hearts we follow our dreams
Slightly out of reach

Our lives
You build your walls for me to climb
A billion walls for me to climb
You build your walls for me to climb

Další písničky hudební skupiny 10 Years:

10 Years - Half Life
10 Years - Through The Iris
10 Years - Empires
10 Years - Prey
10 Years - Insects

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny 10 Years:

10 Years - BLANK SHELL
10 Years - Day Dreamer
10 Years - Cycle Of Life
10 Years - Scream At The Walls
10 Years - Proud Of You

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