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Hudební skupiny > G > Graveworm > Abhorrence

Text Písně: Abhorrence - Graveworm

Text Písně - Abhorrence - Graveworm Text Písně - Abhorrence - Graveworm
Překlad Písně - Abhorrence - Graveworm Překlad Písně - Abhorrence - Graveworm
Videoklip k Písni - Abhorrence - Graveworm Videoklip k Písni - Abhorrence - Graveworm
Karaoke k Písni - Abhorrence - Graveworm Karaoke k Písni - Abhorrence - Graveworm

A bloodred darkened sky
This day hereafter dies
Falls swiftly into deepest night
And stay within the evil sight
Evil thunder breaks the night
Breathless silence might
Sacrifices human kind
Invoke malicious of her mind
From the ashes of the graveyard
Sacrament and pain
Lamentous screams of tortured souls
Temptation of their gods
Hungry for essence of life
Sorrow and weeping words
Step by step the daylight leaves
Hallowed shadows of fear
Shall wither in her raven arms
Shall perish in embrace
Her love, her tears - the evil side
Shall vanish for her thirst of blood
Shall shrivel for delight
Her love, her tear - the evil side
Among the tomb of stone
Frozen hand of death
Where hungry lovers wait
Carry may soul to bed
Descent the path of fear
No birds in death trees
Where the mistress of life
Redeem me from my sin
Blessed by their beauty
Mysterious sign
Candles flickers through the hell
Wolves howl by her side
I rise before the queen
In evil feathered dress
When she locks through my eyes
Vanish my sin of life

Další písničky hudební skupiny Graveworm:

Graveworm - Losing My Religion
Graveworm - Drowned In Fear
Graveworm - Beauty Of Malice
Graveworm - It's A Sin
Graveworm - Unhallowed By The Infernal One

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Graveworm:

Graveworm - Bloodwork
Graveworm - Touch Of Hate
Graveworm - Suicide Code
Graveworm - The Day I Die
Graveworm - Fragile Side

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