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Text Písně: Bloodwork - Graveworm

Text Písně - Bloodwork - Graveworm Text Písně - Bloodwork - Graveworm
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I hear them all again
Am I right is this the end?
Pictures of chaos and hate
Gloomy thoughts in my mind

I've chosen my way of life
You are no longer mine
Imagine being crushed by one
Imagine your life being done

Dying feelings
Burning sadness
Deadly sins

This feelings that seems to be broken
The blood flows, inceting my veins
Run deep into the soul of my body
An experience to strong for this pain

Waiting for chaos, just sliding inside
Arrived at the point where's no way back out
Awfully screamings piercing the air
This is the code for the final time

You bend me and you shake me
This feelings that just crushed me
The name of this confusion
Bloodwork disconnection

You let me live my anguish
The word I hear impossible to find
The forces got to wake up
Infects them all again

You made me feel like a winner
One way ride to my inner peace
The sickness between the rooms
Dancing in the sorrow



Další písničky hudební skupiny Graveworm:

Graveworm - Touch Of Hate
Graveworm - Suicide Code
Graveworm - The Day I Die
Graveworm - Fragile Side
Graveworm - I Need A Hero

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Graveworm:

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