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Text Písně: Slayer - Gloomy Grim

Text Písně - Slayer - Gloomy Grim Text Písně - Slayer - Gloomy Grim
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Karaoke k Písni - Slayer - Gloomy Grim Karaoke k Písni - Slayer - Gloomy Grim

I believe in Death
I believe in Diseases
I believe in Inhumanity
I believe in Injustice

I believe in Sorrow
I believe in Pain
I believe in Murder
I believe in Chaos

I believe in Slime, Stink
and every crawling Ugliness

I believe in Torture, Anger
and Hate

I believe in Me,
I believe in You

[Repeat from the start]

I make My Resurrection and My Life
Keep your theories. Keep your lies.

There is no heaven, but Hell is here
I saw it, I saw it with my own eyes

We are near The End of the world as we know it
So it should be and so it is

[Repeat 3 verses above]

I believe in Death
I believe in Diseases
I believe in Inhumanity
I believe in Injustice

I believe in Slime, Stink
and every crawling Ugliness

I believe in Torture, Anger
and Hate

Další písničky hudební skupiny Gloomy Grim:

Gloomy Grim - Born In Fire
Gloomy Grim - The Chosen One
Gloomy Grim - Mistress Of The Stormblast
Gloomy Grim - Revelation 666
Gloomy Grim - Redeemer

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Gloomy Grim:

Gloomy Grim - Come If You Dare
Gloomy Grim - Lucifer's Hammer
Gloomy Grim - Tomorrow Might Not Come
Gloomy Grim - Corps Of Doom
Gloomy Grim - Nothing But Hate

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