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Text Písně: Corps Of Doom - Gloomy Grim

Text Písně - Corps Of Doom - Gloomy Grim Text Písně - Corps Of Doom - Gloomy Grim
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Corps of doom, attack!

The attack to their holy land
won't hurt anyone
Lives of the living dead
are worth of anything

They should be happy
to meet their father
and their holy ghost

This life must be
A Hell for them
So, we can help them
in their pain

They must live among us,
who believe in no God

They must follow our laws
even they have their own

They can not do what they want
and turn all to slavery

If they kill for their God
you must understand

They only do the deeds
that he wants

They only walk the path
that he shows

They must live among us,
who believe in no God

They must follow our laws
even they have their own

They can not do what they want
and turn all to slavery

If they kill for their God
you must understand

Drop the bomb
Kill them all

Corps of doom

Into death
I have sworn

Další písničky hudební skupiny Gloomy Grim:

Gloomy Grim - Nothing But Hate
Gloomy Grim - Bloody Grim
Gloomy Grim - Living Dead
Gloomy Grim - Bedtime Story
Gloomy Grim - Shadow World

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Gloomy Grim:

Gloomy Grim - Come If You Dare
Gloomy Grim - Lucifer's Hammer
Gloomy Grim - Tomorrow Might Not Come

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