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Text Písně: Living Dead - Gloomy Grim

Text Písně - Living Dead - Gloomy Grim Text Písně - Living Dead - Gloomy Grim
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Videoklip k Písni - Living Dead - Gloomy Grim Videoklip k Písni - Living Dead - Gloomy Grim
Karaoke k Písni - Living Dead - Gloomy Grim Karaoke k Písni - Living Dead - Gloomy Grim

See them walking on the streets
the same streets you are walking

They push you around and waste your space
You hope that you have license to kill

You can not understand anything they say
or where they are going to

Worthless life day by day
They only ruin your life
I only hope I can survive this
or else I kill some of them

LIVING DEAD walking on the earth
only wasting my time and space

Is there really anything to do
to stop them walking?
If you kill one
There shall be many
its like Medusa's head

Only thing you can really do
is not to become like they are
Keep your thoughts as they are
don't listen to Their whining

Let the blood of the Dead bleed
Let the eternal silence come

Turn your rivers into wine
and I'll turn rivers into Blood

Silence is the only thing I need
Total silence without any sound

Do I have to kill myself
To obtain total silence?

Slow Death is
the price you pay

for living such a wasted life

Eternal rot
in your grave

No one even knew
you were here

Další písničky hudební skupiny Gloomy Grim:

Gloomy Grim - Bedtime Story
Gloomy Grim - Shadow World
Gloomy Grim - Chainsaw Blast
Gloomy Grim - The Throne Of Chaos
Gloomy Grim - Black As The Pit

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Gloomy Grim:

Gloomy Grim - Come If You Dare
Gloomy Grim - Lucifer's Hammer
Gloomy Grim - Tomorrow Might Not Come
Gloomy Grim - Corps Of Doom
Gloomy Grim - Nothing But Hate

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