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Text Písně: Lucky Star - Eliot Minor

Text Písně - Lucky Star - Eliot Minor Text Písně - Lucky Star - Eliot Minor
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Karaoke k Písni - Lucky Star - Eliot Minor Karaoke k Písni - Lucky Star - Eliot Minor

I heard you fall
I thought of all the years we spent
They seem so far away now
A broken heart
Left undone
Turn to imaginations
Letting go seems so hard
Lighting up and burning out

My lucky star

So I might try
To bring back what we had back then
The time is moving quickly now
Still out of reach
Giving in I start to fall to pieces
Letting go seems so hard
Lighting up and burning out

My lucky star
My lucky star

Things are burning out
Things are burning out
Sometimes ??? moving on
Soon we'll fall to pieces
Soon we'll fall to pieces

'Til then we're still too far
Gazing at that lucky star

My lucky star
My lucky star
My lucky star (keeps on burning out)
My lucky star (keeps on burning out)

Další písničky hudební skupiny Eliot Minor:

Eliot Minor - Jessica
Eliot Minor - The Broken Minor
Eliot Minor - Still Figuring Out
Eliot Minor - Silently
Eliot Minor - Running Away

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Eliot Minor:

Eliot Minor - Still Figuring Out
Eliot Minor - Forgetting You
Eliot Minor - Discover (Why The Love Hurts)
Eliot Minor - Jacky Jules
Eliot Minor - Now She's Gone

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