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Text Písně: Silently - Eliot Minor

Text Písně - Silently - Eliot Minor Text Písně - Silently - Eliot Minor
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Take your swing and fall
pass through the turn table
And for the first time, standing so far away
And so we'll say

So silently, you make this day, so so real and never ending,
Standing on the edge believing,
That this will never end.

As the day gets older I hear your voice,
Nothing stays for free.
As the rain keeps falling, I hear you calling my name.
And so we'll say

So silently, you make this day, so unreal and never ending,
Standing on the edge believing,
That this will never end, this will never end.

Running out, I'm running out,
Running out, I'm running out.

So silently, you make this day, so unreal and never ending,
Standing on the edge believing this way

So silently, you make this day, so unreal and never ending,
Standing on the edge believing that this will never end, this will never end, this will never, this will never end

Další písničky hudební skupiny Eliot Minor:

Eliot Minor - Running Away
Eliot Minor - Last Call to New York City

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Eliot Minor:

Eliot Minor - Still Figuring Out
Eliot Minor - Forgetting You
Eliot Minor - Discover (Why The Love Hurts)
Eliot Minor - Jacky Jules
Eliot Minor - Now She's Gone

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