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Text Písně: Think - Drowning Pool

Text Písně - Think - Drowning Pool Text Písně - Think - Drowning Pool
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Karaoke k Písni - Think - Drowning Pool Karaoke k Písni - Think - Drowning Pool

And just before you fade out to
I will hold a place for you

Do you rememeber when we used to
Do you rememeber when you used to
Do you remember life
Well, as you're led out to the slaughter
You ought to

Think about your life you wouldn't give it up
Before you're led off to the slaughter
You ought to

And just as soon as you will find
That all of this became your life

Do you remember when we used to
Do you remember when you used to
Do you remember life

Before you're led off to the slaughter
You ought to

And just as soon as all of this so
All of this so pure

Do you ever stop
Fucking think

Další písničky hudební skupiny Drowning Pool:

Drowning Pool - Numb
Drowning Pool - This Life
Drowning Pool - Nothingness
Drowning Pool - Bringing Me Down
Drowning Pool - Love And War

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Drowning Pool:

Drowning Pool - Full Circle
Drowning Pool - Enemy
Drowning Pool - Shame
Drowning Pool - Reborn
Drowning Pool - Reason I´m Alive

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