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Text Písně: Numb - Drowning Pool

Text Písně - Numb - Drowning Pool Text Písně - Numb - Drowning Pool
Překlad Písně - Numb - Drowning Pool Překlad Písně - Numb - Drowning Pool
Videoklip k Písni - Numb - Drowning Pool Videoklip k Písni - Numb - Drowning Pool
Karaoke k Písni - Numb - Drowning Pool Karaoke k Písni - Numb - Drowning Pool

To the man looking back at me
Said why don't you go away
We've all heard your misery
You've been bleeding it for days end

And it's plain when I look into your eyes I see
All you want is everybody's sympathy

So why don't you take all of this and go away
So why do you always look to me this way
When it seems like tomorrow might not come
And it seems like the sorrow has left you numb

And to the world I see
Said we've sat and watched you shine
Pack up all your guilt and please
Leave it all behind

And it's plain when I look into your eyes I see
This could be the way you want your life to be


Now your gonna bleed
So why don't you just tell me

Další písničky hudební skupiny Drowning Pool:

Drowning Pool - This Life
Drowning Pool - Nothingness
Drowning Pool - Bringing Me Down
Drowning Pool - Love And War
Drowning Pool - Forget

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Drowning Pool:

Drowning Pool - Full Circle
Drowning Pool - Enemy
Drowning Pool - Shame
Drowning Pool - Reborn
Drowning Pool - Reason I´m Alive

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