Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > Delain > Shattered

Text Písně: Shattered - Delain

Text Písně - Shattered - Delain Text Písně - Shattered - Delain
Překlad Písně - Shattered - Delain Překlad Písně - Shattered - Delain
Videoklip k Písni - Shattered - Delain Videoklip k Písni - Shattered - Delain
Karaoke k Písni - Shattered - Delain Karaoke k Písni - Shattered - Delain

Encaged in a memory
Encaged in a prison of guilt
Surrounded by reproach
And everybody knows

She flies over town in white shades
But you're left behind
With a thousand troubled minds
You cannot speak; you're blinded by your grief
She flies over town in white shades
And guides every step
But still you feel alone
Cause angels don't come home
(Cause angels don't come home)

As the sky is clearing
You clear your mind
Hide all mirrors not to see
What the morphine couldn't hide
Shattered faces on the floor
Your broken mask serves you no more

She flies over town in white shades
But you're left behind
With a thousand troubled minds
You cannot speak; you're blinded by your grief
She flies over town in white shades
And guides every step
But still you feel alone
Cause angels don't come home
(Cause angels don't come home)

She flies over town in white shades
But you're left behind
With a thousand troubled minds
You cannot speak; you're blinded by your grief
She flies over town in white shades
And guides every step
But still you feel alone
Cause angels don't come home
(Cause angels don't come home)

Další písničky hudební skupiny Delain:

Delain - See Me In Shadow
Delain - Sleepwalkers Dream
Delain - The Gathering
Delain - Come Closer
Delain - Nothing Left

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Delain:

Delain - Sever
Delain - No Compliance
Delain - Frozen
Delain - Day For Ghost
Delain - Daylight Lucidity

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