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Hudební skupiny > D > Dionysus > Pouring Rain

Text Písně: Pouring Rain - Dionysus

Text Písně - Pouring Rain - Dionysus Text Písně - Pouring Rain - Dionysus
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Videoklip k Písni - Pouring Rain - Dionysus Videoklip k Písni - Pouring Rain - Dionysus
Karaoke k Písni - Pouring Rain - Dionysus Karaoke k Písni - Pouring Rain - Dionysus

I can't believe this
Ten days have past
And still this endless rain
Keeps falling from the sky
I know I'll survive it
But this time the clouds cover the midnight sun
The beauty of my land
I know I can't cope with it anymore
I have to go I fly away
To a distant place
I take the chance and leave,
Away from this pouring rain
Night's getting closer
The season of light is fading long before it even has begun
I know I'll survive it
But that is the only consolation
When we see our precious days
Turn in to pieces once again
I have to go I fly away
To a distant place
I take the chance and leave,
Away from this pouring rain
I never knew that this would be
This is no place for me
My ship is caught at sea, the storm comes towards me
It's not that I don't like the (winter) snow
But I need sun to rest my soul
I never knew I'd need a shelter from the rain in the end of June
Maybe someone has cast a spell?

Další písničky hudební skupiny Dionysus:

Dionysus - Anthem (For The Children)
Dionysus - Holy War
Dionysus - Time Will Tell
Dionysus - Sign Of Truth
Dionysus - Bringer Of Salvation

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dionysus:

Dionysus - Key Into The Past
Dionysus - Don't Forget
Dionysus - Walk On Fire
Dionysus - Never Wait
Dionysus - Loaded Gun

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